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Being Honest

11 Dec

It’s 3:30 am and I’m still up. That seems to have become a trend lately. The problem is: I never seem to catch up! I absolutely lost the fine art of sleeping during the day! It’s OK for now, because I’m not working until January, but I hope to have it resolved by then.

If I were to be painfully honest, I’d say that it’s my Blackberry/Twitter/Internet-in-General addiction that’s causing it. But…I’m not being painfully honest, so I’m not saying that!

I do, however, curb my use to when my husband isn’t around, when he’s sleeping or when he’s otherwise occupied (like watching a soccer game or doing Sudoku puzzles in MY Sudoku book that MY aunt got me as a gift!)

IIWTBPH (If I were to be painfully honest), I’d say I love that he and I share the love of Sudoku, and that it brings us a little closer together. But…I’m not being painfully honest, so I’m not saying that! However, I realize that I’m gonna have to gift him with some of his own books this Christmas so he can lay off mine!

He’s currently snoring away next to me. We’re sleeping over at my sister’s apartment, because her husband is away for 2 weeks at POLICE training camp! Yeah, he’s gonna be a police officer! I’m so happy for them! But, she’s a little lonely, so I came to visit her in the city for a few days. DH is working tomorrow, so she and I will have the day to ourselves and get to do girly stuff!

Now, it’s almost 4 am, so I’ll really need to go. IIWTBPH, I’d say that my battery’s almost dead and that’s the reason why I’m signing off. But…I’m not being painfully honest, so I’m not saying that!

Truly Yours,

Kristel Klear

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